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In my school if we have to like,leave early,it's either be if we're sick,or if our parents come to pick us up earlier.

The former is very hard to accomplish because our school nurse is just THAT good-

And yeah,if someone's sick they'll normally get the maids to escort them through the elevator because we'll, you're sick.

That or if you get a MAJOR injury

Yeah our parents usually pick us up but the maids escort you downstairs. Or... downelevator. BADUM TSSSS (I'm sorry)

But dude the nurse here literally isn't even a nurse, she used to work at the reception bruh ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Literally anything happens and she's like "have you eaten yet?" And if you say yes she's like "take panadol" and that's it.

You come in with a broken leg? Panadol.

You're having a heart attack? Panadol.

You've been stabbed in the chest 23 times? Idk man have you tried taking panadol?

Literally what. 

Nah bc I told her once that I didn't eat yet but I have no money, no food, no job, no life, no friends, no house, no future, no nothing, and she's just like "that sounds like a you problem." So I just had to suck it up and sit to the end of the day while still sick.

Dang,our school nurse is fuckin cracked

Apparently she used to be a millitary doctor.....

Last year I got sick alot of times so she practically knows me atp LMAO 

Also..what's panadol?

Idk man

I'm not from wherever u live ig

Or I'm stupid

Could be that

I heard she once fixed like a really big wrist injury for a kid on the day of the annual exam because if he didn't write that he'd fail and have to retest because of it

Like..daammnnn,she's CRACKED

And also,on the topic of school,the absolute cheating systems the older kids have???? Like,I once saw a girl write the ENTIRE PAPER for her friend. And the teacher never noticed- I personally don't cheat but I help other people cheat so I know alot about them mechanics, like this one time some kid hid his book in his jacket and I was tasked with hiding it when he had to read answers since he was my benchmate

Yeah my entire class calls me the "cheater hotline" because I help everyone with cheats ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Panadol is basically Tylenol. YES TYLENOL PAIN RELIEF

She doesn't know what she's doing istg, WHERE IS HER MEDICAL LICENSE WTF

also, real, I help others cheat too but I don't usually cheat myself unless I absolutely NEED it. Literally everyone asks me for help cheating mostly in English. 

Also, cheating is literally so easy omfg, teh teachers are blind istg and they act all strict and shit meanwhile I'm over here with a very obvious cheatsheet right next to my exam paper just casually reading it and the teacher doesn't even notice lmao

Or I'm literally lifting my paper so the person behind or next to me can see the answers I wrote and the teacher doesn't even like do anything, they look RIGHT AT ME and don't even care like bruh ๐Ÿ˜ญ

One time I wasn't even cheating, I was revising before the exam and the teacher just came up and took all my shit and had a whole like "no, no, no. no cheating" like BRUH the exam ain't even start cheating what? Where?? So anyway I didn't get to revise and consequently I forgot important info during the exam. THANKS.

ikr cheating is so easy,like id legit hold up my paper to the person next to me,and the teacher wouldn't see??, like,I remember on the seniors English exam(,it was our language exam that day so we were in the venue) the students wrote the author names ON THE WALL,with red crayons not even a pencil which is hard to see, RED CRAYONS?? That too on the FINALS??? Like,them seniors have no fear is2g

I remember on our computer exam I literally passed my answer paper to the person beside me for them to copy and the teacher didint even notice?? The entire class was like "bro the teachers picking favourite we were so secretive but we got caught lans you didn't??" Li k,they were practically staring at the teacher everytime like "bro is she blind?" LMAO

Also I still don't know what Tylenol is. I'm stupid. Or I just don't have that medicine in this area. In probably stupid.

damn... paracetamol. It's the chemical compound in Panadol and Tylenol. You have to know what paracetamol is.

Bruh I watched others get caught passing papers meanwhile people next to me are literally holding up their fingers to ask for the answers to certain questions and whispering amongst themselves like- they are ten times more obvious but the teacher was too busy busting these two girls passing noyes to even LOOK OUR DIRECTION.

I also wrote the answers literally ON MY DESK and ain't no one give a shit like  B R U H

Oh yeah paracetamol!! I know that one!

Ikr,the teachers always pick the secretive ones to catch liek??

And the book kid I mentioned earlier? That was during finals,and he never got caught,he was turning pages,lookign for answers(while I hid his book) loudly asf and no one gave a shit like bruh

We have paper set divisions in exams,so it's set-A and set-B,idk if that's for u,so the person cheating,(and the person their cheating off) screw with the seat arrangements and sit where they can be close,and get the same set,because our teachers distribute it liek A,B,A,B so on

Like,They banned going to the bathroom during exam times because of note planting there,but like...NO ONE PLANTS NOTES THERE?? Like huh??

Teachers are dumb sometimes

oh yeah there are also seating arrangements-

Like there are 3 or 4 grades in one class. From 9-12 or if the 12th graders have already graduated (they graduate before everyone else) then it's just 9-11

And the seating plan just makes it so 9th graders aren't seated next to 9th graders etc etc and they tape nametags to each desk, but the thing is, if we just switch the desks around no one even questions it they're just like"well, you're sitting where the nametags said so it seems about right"

Like  B R U H

They locked going to the bathroom because people who happened to go at the same time were talking to each other but they just found other ways to cheat so did they do anything? No.