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So, I made an account just for this one comment.

I do swear.

This game is a genuinely horrifying experience, and that's so amazing in my opinion. The style is very well laid out, and the kid acts just as a 10-11 year old would in this sort of situation.

The only thing that may need sprucing up is Hopps' frickin stalking.

Like you have no way to tell where he is when he walks off of the screen. Is he going to snap right back? Or is he going to fuck off for the next ten years?

Leave it up to the rabbit to surprise the hell out of you when you walk out from your hiding place and he suddenly comes back to see if you've dropped the soap. :)

It's horrifying, I give it that, though, and it adds to the experience.

There could be a meter that shows what Hopps is doing when he's in your line of sight, giving you a reason to pop into danger. Like, think of an indicator.

Red could mean coming towards, yellow could mean going away, green could mean completely gone and safe for now, and then the player could do their thing based on that.

I dunno, just a fun thought. I know it'd be hard to implement, and what the hell do I know about coding, but still.

This is a great game, despite some weird things and bugs. <3