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Oh cool I'm an intp-a

What do these words mean....

(1 edit)

Introverted intuitive thinking prospecting - assertive

Introverted is obvious.

Intuitive is like imaginative and open-minded and such, just more focused on originality and thinking about hidden meanings. Basically I prefer to let my mind run free.

Thinking means I rely more on my thoughts than my emotions or feelings or I try to. Like personally, in my mind, feelings are complicated and messy, and what matters more to me is logical thinking uncontrolled by emotion. We only look at the cold hard facts here.

Prospecting means I can easily improvise and adapt to situations. I prefer novelty over stability. I hate when things stay the same honestly, it's really boring, if nothing new happens, then nothing interesting happens.

Assertive. This one honestly I don't think is true but then again looking at the description for turbulent, I don't think that's true either. I don't think I'm either but I'll tell you what assertive means anyway. Assertive means I am more sure of myself and my decisions and such.

You're the same type as me but turbulent which is just the opposite of assertive.

But of course do keep in mind this is a pseudoscience, even if it is a logic-based concept it is not a scientifically proven thing.

Eh NGL that kinda fits

But what I'm confused is that the first time I took this type of quiz I got..I think isfp???

So uh?? It changed???

Also cool. Cool words ๐Ÿ‘ 

yeah, it's a personality test, your personality can change overtime. Except apparently I am against change because every single time I have taken it has always been INTP.  Kinda funny if you think about it.

is that sarcastic? I don't get it, what cool words?

You are against the notion of change

You are ze chosen one !!!

Cool big words ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I like cool big words

I am the chosen one! Bow to me, mortals!

yeah I use big words to make myself sound more photosynthesis. (I talk like that in my brain 24/7, it takes effort for me to speak normally.)

You would be a Fischl kinnie ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Also,uhh...if ur the chosen one what are you chosen for???

I'm the exact opposite, she puts in effort to speak eloquently, I put in effort to speak normally (but yes)

For...... uh............... being so much better than everyone else ofc. What else? ๐Ÿ˜Œ

I legitimately can NOT stop doing her poses.