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the dash is absolutely useless

incredibly long windup, incredibly long cooldown upon landing, it jumps a very specific distance that isnt long enough to get stuff from the other side of the screen, but way too long to make any kind of recovery after back to the original side.

in 90% of cases if i dash im losing 2 eggs. 5% of the rest im getting the egg i dashed for, but losing the next one. and only that last 5% do i get the egg i dashed for then can recover and get the next one.

its horrible. should be much shorter, catch any egg you dash through, and not lock you in place for like 3 total seconds. short enough cooldown you can quickly dash several times to reach the opposite corner in the time it takes one egg to fall. maybe give you 3 in a row then it needs to recharge for a couple seconds to be usable again.

at the moment its smarter to just never dash, and if an egg is too far to run to you just abandon it.

Thanks for the feedback!

The dive jump was always intended as a bit of a risk/reward mechanic. I do agree that it becomes more risk than reward on the later levels, at which point it becomes significantly less useful, though in testing it did also save many runs from imminent failure.

I'll be sure to put my next project through more rigorous testing!

Hope you found something to enjoy in the game anyway!

(1 edit)

Personally, the dash was an incredible utility in my run, you just had to get used to it, I was using it for most of the distanced eggs

i never use the dash.