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I don't want to link directly to it (due to the nature & question of its legality). I can give you vague directions though. Search for "love esquire mod" in a search engine and it's a few searches down with the website being a forum. You'll need an account to access the thread but other than that you should be set.

Sweet! thanks for the pointers man, I was able to find it... and find out that there is a 1.0.1 patch, which doesn't appear to be on here? I wonder if they stopped supporting Or did they just name the build different on Steam and here? Odd. 

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Great that you found it. Apparently there is a 1.0.2 version that has been out on steam since the 12th - that build has some bug fixes and quality of life updates. I don't know what's happening here on the version since it says they updated the page 4 days ago (the same day of the 1.0.2 release on steam). So customers are getting shafted or they're having some difficulties. Hopefully, it's the latter.

I'd recommend anyone interested in buying this game to get the steam version. 

It's not DRM-free but the ease of access to get the R18+ mod, and future updates on the dot make it worth the inconveniences. Also you get the added benefit of trying it out for 2 hours and refunding it if you don't like it.

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Yea I have to agree with the steam comment. At this point I basically purchased it here and I'm updating it through a separate site... which kinda sucks :/ 
EDIT: As I say that they update the site with 1.0.3 so ignore me lol