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I previously asked you how you achieved these portals in your game. Now I see you've been working on non-euclidean games for the past 20 years. Damnit. Crushed my dreams! =) This was a very interesting read!

It's not like that ;) the idea is quite simple and it doesn't require years of experience. It's just that I really liked it and I kept getting to back time after time. And only with VR it started to make more sense. Previously it was that weird thing that was just messing with your head, but with VR the feeling of freedom, ease of movement makes you not think about how twisted the map is.

Fun fact: I used to play Quake and Quake 2 a lot. I had mental maps of many levels and when I opened each map in the map editor, they looked completely different to what I imagined them. In my mind I know what rooms are, what corridors connect them, what is the shortest route but I had no idea how rooms are placed in relation to each other. And sometimes it turned out that they were just wall to wall, but as you couldn't see one room from the other, it really didn't feel so.