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Guys, can you help Mike to make the Next version working on CSpect emulator?
This is what he said when I asked him about it.
"okay... I see it. I'm not sure this is something I can do on my own. It would require the creator to  debug the specific areas and let me know what's different. Otherwise.... I'd have to debug the whole game, and figure out the entire thing to even find the routines, never mind what'd wrong.

If they want to debug inside CSpect and figure out what's not working, I'll be happy to address it.... but without them, I'd be looking for a needle in a haystack."


The game does not work in newer versions of CSpect because bit 2 of register #22 does not turn off the original ULA interrupt. That's the main reason. In the old version of CSpect V2.12.36 this works properly, you can play the game in it.

The second point is related to copper co-processor, sound effects are not playing correctly because of this. So far they are not reproduced correctly in any version of CSpect.


Thanks. I will pass your message to Mike.