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Hehe to our respective shitty mothers lol!

I honestly agree with the being wrong part it's like

"Hey mom,I did the dishes."


"Mom I got top of my class!(I kinda HAVE to at this point otherwise....)"


"Is this your cup on the table?"


"Oh my god,how many times have I told you to tidy up before you go? You're such a disgrace to this family,why cant you be like your older sister? God,why were you even born?"

Any time I go to ask something it's like "will she say something good-? Will she shout at me? Will she hit me because she thinks I'm wrong?"

And nowadays,apparently I'm "a mistake" and somone who "doesn't pay attention to family" and is "going insane" because I watch the things I like to watch.

She even took away my computer for this reason because OHhHHh NoOOOooO she can't let her child watch some Japanese cartoons! Why would she!? She doesn't want her to socialize with people on the internet! That's dangerous!

Everytime I watch anime infront of her,she yells at me and it laways has me going like

"Am I really that bad? Are my interests really stupid? Am I really a mistake-"

And my mother is probably sexist as fuck but blames it on our father,

She keeps talking about "if she had a boy instead of two idiotic girls" and now I'm starting to think she wanted to have a son and brushes it off like "oh,did you know your father didn't want you because you're a girl? It was ME who convinced him!" Like she's some knight in shining armour.

God I hate this family,but I love my sister so that's fine ig 


I also hate when she compares me to my sister "you know your sister did this and that" and yeah I get it she's amazing and I'm an idiot, you don't need to keep repeating it.

I love my sister and all but it's just so annoying.

Then she says stuff like "if you don't wanna do this just tell me" in a nice voice and with her nice attentive mom persona but then when I actually don't wanna do it she talks like I'm the biggest disappointment in the universe for it. You literally told me it was okay to say I don't want to do it.

I can't say no to her because every "no" turns into a lecture about how I all of a sudden don't respect her and am being so so rude by setting boundaries.

She barges into my room without knocking and when I confront her she's always like "what are you talking about, I always knock, you just don't remember properly" (i do remember, she doesn't knock) until I start to question myself and believe her, but no, she just did it just now, she barged into my room not five seconds ago without knocking and didn't even properly close the door.

I tell her over and over again "don't touch my stuff it bothers me" what does she do? TOUCH MY STUFF. Then I have a breakdown over putting it all back where it was and organizing everything the way I had it before she came in and messed it all up and she doesn't even care and says it's "not a big deal"

I TRY to talk to her, I really do, but every conversation just ends with her moving to a topic I don't want to talk about. I tell her "wow did you know that Venus is the only planet spinning clockwise?" and she's like "mhm well how is your homework how are exams maybe if you studied your grades wouldn't be so bad" and literally what the fuck? I was just trying to talk about something I'm interested in (space) and trying to have a pleasant conversation but everything is always about this.

I told her multiple times "I want to go into forensic science" and she STILL TELLS PEOPLE I WANT TO GO INTO ART

She doesn't listen to anyone but herself.