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So I played it! And I definitely have some words! /lht

Lmao no but this game was SUCH a good start for the series!! I am genuinely so excited to get wrapped up in another one of your projects and it is so great to see the Cemetary Mary gang in a full game after a little while. The point and click style was an awesome decision to go with! I really love how it's just the right amount of interactive, and overall, I'd say the puzzles/clues to progress the story were fairly simple and fun to achieve! The QTEs definitely caught me off guard a couple of times, but once you do them once or twice you get it pretty quickly, so I'd say it was all good. I am absolutely in love with the characters and story you have built, so I am SOOO excited for whenever the next part comes out! Though the prologue wasn't crazily story driven, it did absolutely hook me, and I am so curious as to what plans you have for this one! You have made so much progress and improved so much over these games and I am truly so hyped for the release of My Wishmaker! Keep up the great work and I can't wait for the next one!


as for crowven, you will be hearing from my lawyer /j