Very cool! I was not expecting this to be full 3D assets! The thumbnail definitely matches the comic exactly... but you could've shown off your great 3D art! Would've made it really stand out.
I loved the art and music, had a very nice vibe. I wanted to explore first thing.
I didn't love the controls tbh. I think it would've benefited from more traditional first-person controls, with mouse looking around, and WASD for movement. (Since you had to click stuff with the mouse anyway). And maybe a faster walk speed? That was the main thing that prevented me from finishing completely as the horizontal movement started to bug my eyes. It also felt like the camera in the hallway was very low to the ground.
I also would've liked to click the bottle and cork out of order. Sometimes I would find the number 2 bottle, but then have to go back to the cork, then go back again.
But overall, great work!
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