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gamer0005 rated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
audreya published a game 7 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
It's just a little alien factory. Choose your alien's style by select his body, mouth and eyes...or let the hazard create it ... and take a picture of it. This project was made on less than one hour for the WHGJ. My personal goal was to giv...
A browser game made in HTML5.
You play as a teenager. You can imagine tissues all over the floor cause I didn't have the time to put some tissues all over the floor. "I remember being a teenager. I used to go to a game store and pick any game just because of its cover...
RainbowGuppy published a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
a simple game set in space. the only goal is to collect as many mini ships as possible and protecting them. get hit by a metor and you have to start over. use the mouse to aim and shoot and wasd to move.
Liam published a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This is my first game jam ever, man that was a stressful one hour. I even prepared an ice tea but only drank half of it because I was so focused. The aliens increase in speed every 6 ""combo's"" (it was originally intended to be a combo met...