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A jam submission

Castle by CandlelightView game page

Explore the mysterious past and future of the castle
Submitted by mickp82 — 20 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Concept - How interesting or unique the game is.#981.5562.200
Enjoyment - How much you enjoyed playing this game.#1001.1311.600
Use of Theme - How well the game incorporated the given theme.#1000.9901.400
Presentation - How well executed the game is.#1000.8491.200

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

What assets did you use in this project?
All assets from asset store

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I like exploration games 👏

Is it possible to get out of the dungen? 😅


Hiya! I love an exploration game too, I tried to give some interesting things to look at along with jumps in time. 

Yes you should be able to escape the cell, in theory, here is a quick walk through: 

1. Go into the art gallery

2. Visit the prison cell and pick up the candle

3. Find the candle in the bucket

4. Grab the key from behind the grill (behind the broken stall)

5. The key touched to the lock on the cell door will open it

You should be able to go down the hole in the floor to the right of the cell and then make your way up the stairs you find there to escape the dungeon.

Good luck!


Was fun exploring the environment. Though locomotion was odd with the grip button to teleport, and I think the scaling if the XR rig is a bit off. Hands get far away when you reach down.


Thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked the environment. I agree with your comments regarding the rig and locomotion, just coming to grips with the whole VR development. Hopefully the next VRJam will be a much more well rounded game.


Hey if that was your first go then great on you! VR locomotion alone has so many different solutions it can be a mess to pick and choose an implementation.