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Star Repair Services's pageHow many characters of code did you use?
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::♥::▒=128웃=8.7∧={}█=9⧗=500◆=0♪=99ˇ=1🐱=9 p=print ::😐::cls(1) if(btn(0))▒+=.5 if(btn(1))▒-=.5 a=▒*.01 if(btnp(❎))local o_={sl=true,x=64,y=120,xsp=웃*cos(a),ysp=웃*sin(a),●=0,s_="✽"}◆-=30add(∧,o_) for r in all(∧)do and 9or 6r.●-=.03r.ysp-=r.● r.x+=r.xsp r.y+=r.ysp print(r.s_,r.x-2,r.y,clr) if( and mget(r.x/8,r.y/8)==2)mset(r.x/8,r.y/8,1)r.y=255◆+=♪ ⧗+=🐱 if(r.y>128)del(∧,r)end p("⌂",62,123,0)for i=0,15 do for j= 1,6 do c,v=i*8,j*8 if(rnd(1)>.99 and █>0)mset(i,j,1)█-=1 if(mget(i,j)==1)then p("★",c,v,rnd({6,7}))◆+=ˇ if rnd(1)>.995 then mset(i,j,2) local fl={sl=false,x=c,y=v,xsp=0,ysp=0,●=0,s_="★"} add(∧,fl)end end if(mget(i,j)==2)p("★",c,v,0)end end p(⧗,0,0)flip()⧗-=1if(⧗==0)goto ☉ goto 😐::☉::cls(1)p(◆)p("play 🅾️") if(btn(🅾️))reload()goto ♥ flip()goto ☉
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