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Looking for teams, matchmaking request! Sticky

A topic by I3uckwheat created Jun 25, 2021 Views: 286 Replies: 1
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Host (2 edits)

Hey, we're going to help people find groups! 

Please only sign up to the below when you've given up finding your own group. We've also enabled the channel #jam-team-search on Discord for you guys.

Please fill this out: and ensure you can accept DMs on Discord.

Only fill this out if you do not have a full team, partial teams may if you want more people. Just be sure to submit one request for match making per team, instead of per team-member. 


If John and Carlos are a team and are looking for another, submit only one request for your team, with the amount of team members you already have and we'll take care of the rest.

Host (1 edit)

Be sure to get your id as well: 

Host archived this topic