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A downloadable game for Windows.

very dank. good game. moist

A browser game made in HTML5.

dank and moist

Chris Little published a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
You pilot a steampunk ship, in which you must destroy as many enemy blimps as you can. Everytime you destroy a blimp you will get a point, or if you run in to it. If the blimp shoots you, you will loose a point and a life. you have 3 lives...
scotty42 updated a game 7 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated title and page content.
scotty42 published a game 7 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Made a mashup of 4 doors. You choose the enemy at the start. If it appears, the game is over! If it doesn't appear in the first 3 doors it won't be behind the 4th!