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desksanddorks updated a game 17 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $1.00.
Kapithan updated a game 19 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $3.00.
desksanddorks updated a game 32 days ago
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $1.00.
A downloadable game.

Just ran this game for halloween and it was really nice! Our setting was vaguely fantasyish-gothic and our god was Prometheus, also a fire inspired one. The heroes ended up becoming a god of brutal justice, three in one.

I would like to leave some feedback although since this is a game jam submission I suppose it's probably not going to have more versions!

Mostly, the aspect bit was unclear - "mark an aspect to add a dice" - not sure what it does or what marking really does, since the 'character sheet' seems to imply marking an aspect=defeating part of the god (aka destroying the epithet). We took it instead as a trait the characters gained after killing a part the god (since according to the text destroying an epithet gives you an aspect) but this was also unclear as to whether it's one for each character or a group one. We ended up going with a group aspect that applied to all of them and gave them some trauma. We ignored "mark an aspect to add dice" entirely. I think this worked well for us!

It's also a bit unclear what the "primary aspect" thing was but we went with just getting a motivation that the characters sometimes got +dice for when it felt relevant. It helped flesh the characters out.

I really enjoyed playing with the concept of divinity, ran it loosely mechanics wise. I'm not sure BITD is the best system for it in general as there's not really an option for failure here, you have to kind of support the characters and make them succeed at all costs, something that isnt necessarily the case in a heist campaign. However I picked BITD hacks specifically because our group is already familiar with the dice rolls and such. If playing with a GM as a fan of the players who want the characters to suffer while succeeding, it's great. I'd love to see how a different group might interpret the rules, or how they were intended to be played. Might do a second run in the future. <3

A downloadable game.
1 new image
3 new uploads:
Radikal Wampyre.jpeg 526 kB
Radikal Wampyre - 2 per page.pdf 400 kB
Radikal Wampyre - 4 per page.pdf 393 kB
akelleyj6 rated a game 263 days ago
A downloadable game.
A downloadable game.

This game is amazing! It truly captures the spirit of the book it is based on, making you feel as insane as a character in House of Leaves would as the game continues. The prompts are vague, yet still detailed enough to provide a good structure for making your own events in the story. The game is even better if you limit yourself to only a few pieces of paper, as you begin attempting to write your experiences in increasingly smaller sections, further making you look even more insane! Bonus points if your house's floor plan overlaps your journal entries 

A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $1.00.
8bitLogik rated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.

totally forgot to rate this game lol. very good.

A downloadable game.
Updated title and page content.
A downloadable game.
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