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carlosalf1997 rated a character model 1 year ago
A downloadable character model.
GrazianoBrothers rated a character model 1 year ago
A downloadable character model.
vishwah13 rated a character model 2 years ago
A downloadable character model.
Brakni_Abderrezak rated a character model 3 years ago
A downloadable character model for Windows.
eMerald Games rated a character model 3 years ago
A downloadable character model for Windows.
Kao T. rated a character model 4 years ago
A downloadable character model.
eagle-eyes777 rated a character model 4 years ago
A downloadable character model.
snap22 rated a character model 4 years ago
A downloadable character model.
windroidx rated a character model 5 years ago
A downloadable character model.
Xavier Gibbons published a asset pack 6 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Introduction My character is a young Babylonian Necromancer named Anatu. Anatu has a kind hearted and warm personality and other puts others before herself. She is very energetic and is at times a bit too much for others, this is due to bei...
Goddanit156 published a asset pack 6 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
The character created represents a female explorer who has been possessed by an ancient and powerful soul that has derived from an ancient artefact. The purpose of this character was to display a mixture of elegance and lack of control as t...
T_Crimbo published a asset pack 6 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Court Warlock In my world, Warlocks are individuals who use their magic to fight or for particularly offensive purposes- in many circles it is a name of shame that brands the bearer violent or untrustworthy. Set in a futuristic setting, few...
Madalina Naniu published a asset pack 6 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
I've created this project for the Rising Star contest , coming up with the idea of a general that was looking for revenge . Although I didn't have the time I was planning for , this character ended up well and I really hope you like it ! ht...
Darthstar published a project 6 years ago
A downloadable project.
Heyy! Guys This has been interesting roller-coaster competition, I have learnt and grown a lot across this past 3 week. The goal of project "Ellie" was to create a high quality next gen real-time character set in 1800s wild west period. As...
amil1 published a asset pack 6 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
My name is Alina and I currently study MA Animation at the Hertfordshire University. Characters have always been my passion, I enjoy creating new beings whether they are humans or not. I decided to dedicate this project to a character calle...
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