+ I love the movement mechanics
- There is only like 2 footstep sounds which don't even fit with what the characters are walking on
- Dialogue goes away too quickly and automatically leaving me no time to read in peace
- Game cannot be paused
- An objective text would be nice for this sort of game
- A way to view the last dialogues again when confronted with a choice would be cool since I do read what they say but often don't remember who said what so that would be a cool thing to have with that many characters interacting at once.
- So you are telling me the pizza was just laying there not in a freezer for days and they still decided to eat it
- Ending was cool even though Victoria talked a little bit too much at the end
- Movement sometimes behaved weirdly. Like I am pressing Left but the character turns right
- At certain camera angles the player cannot see themselves anymore for example see picture 1
- In the basement that one guy said that he is going to guard the bookshelf that they used to block the door but when I went there he was not standing there
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