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A topic by HeartyCod3r created Sep 10, 2023 Views: 170 Replies: 5
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Host (2 edits)

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New Update:

1.We changed the submission method.See Guidelines. 2.We temporarily cancelled the jam because there is a too small number of people

hi, こんにちわ。

I'm participating some project which like GameJam to accumulate relevant experience. and I have seen the SAKURA JAM you published that was originally intended to participate. well now I'm sorry it can't hold on. in addition I have some experience on operation community and activity, so if you hope reboot it, maybe I can help you something, or only simple to make friends.


Konichiwa! Of course! Lets make friends!

well, what App you use to chat? WeChat, line, telegram, discord, or any other? maybe we can exchange our contact ways.


New Update