Felt like someone tried to throw some weird time trip, a post apocalypse setting, Jojo, SMT, and pokemon all together. Based on the dialogue and tilemaps.
Some bugs like emotions don't work well with pictures due to layering.
Very long dialogue to the point that you might have been better just calling it a trailer and completely automating it. The dialogue doesn't really make sense (I mean, you can understand it if you've played/read a lot of these, but by itself, it doesn't make any sense). This is a bad thing because you will cause your players to lose interest very quickly. Long dialogue is fine, but you need to keep the player interested in reading somehow and throwing a bunch of what seems like gibberish just doesn't really help. Definitely hire an editor that can help with pacing and wording.
Your character just seemed to no longer have thoughts or a guide after the battle thing, but I guess that is post game?
Did that character just shoot a missile into the middle where it would, in theory, damage both sides?
The guy shouts about showing how not to mess with him and the other character dying, then the other character is just fine? Also, did he ignore the referee's call and get away with it?
That kind of tutorial doesn't really make the game fun to play, especially when most of it is useless the majority of the game. You could've cut it down significantly if you didn't want to use a plugin to show controls as an on-screen display. You could've used a 'screentone' effect to make an image of the controls that is partially transparent and displayed that for a bit.
Your mirror image doesn't exactly do what you do. Not sure if intended or not, but the text there didn't really fit well in terms of pacing.
Common issue, but those chairs are a bad choice if you aren't going to do some extra work with them because they look really off (the other chairs already look off enough).
Another common issue: Autosaves after important choices that lead to game ends are annoying. So is a lack of autosaves.
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