Saw that this game got hit pretty hard in the rankings, so I wanted to come and try it out and offer a few positive words about what you have here!
The game is sort of turn based, like Pokemon, except you have two-three attacks per turn before the other player can play; the opponent attacks first. You don't heal between rounds, making it feel a bit like a gauntlet, which feels fairly appropriate given the scenario of the game. The music is also high-energy with tension mixed in, making it perfect for the game world, too. And a lot of work was done making the werewolf, and even though the sheep and coliseum are more basic in comparison, they still work well as graphics conveying the different elements of the game. The UI is pretty good as well.
I can't say I fully wrapped my head around the combat. I got the general feeling that the three attacks had different tradeoffs between damage dealt and energy consumed, but I couldn't figure out which attack did what. Similarly, I got the feeling that perhaps the combat was not intended to have three attacks per turn, as some sheep wasted turns performing parry, duck, or similar actions that seemed useless, but I couldn't perform an action quickly enough to see if I could act in between sheep actions.
The only real game-breaking issue for me was that when I lost (when a sheep pulled out a hunting rifle?), the game kind of spammed "YOU LOST" dialogues endlessly, so I had to force quit the game. Other than that, I felt like swears and crass words were overused to the point of watering down their impact - I'd recommend maybe having the first few sheep start with more levelheaded complaints, and then maybe bring in angrier, more foul-mouthed sheep later on if you really want the language to have more of an impact.
Overall, although there's more work to be done to make the gameplay and narrative compelling, the theme decently matched that of the jam, the graphics were good for a jam product, and the audio was appropriate and fitting to the mood of the game. Clarify the wolf's actions and their drawbacks a little more and convey that to the user (answering questions such as: What should I do when a sheep pulls out a hunting rifle? Can I heal? Which attacks are best for which scenarios?), and you have a good game with a unique antihero twist. Good job on your submission, and good on you for working even after the jam to get rid of those nasty gamebreaking bugs!
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