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A jam submission

And Then There Were TwoView game page

A compact puzzle game with multiple pathways and a pregnancy theme.
Submitted by Elis Immortelle — 2 days, 15 hours before the deadline
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  • 5th Place Score: 92/150
  • A very tightly written and programmed game, a real joy to behold actually. I enjoyed the variety in characters - every girl was distinct both in looks and in character, making it easy to keep track of everyone. I wasn't expecting quite how complex this game of cat and mouse would be as well, with a wide variety of characters to knock up using various means, all while trying to keep a low profile. The trial-and-error way of the game is both an up- and a downside, as failure is part of the game's flow. This creates a kind of forced replay value which can be rather frustrating to some people. My suggestion would be to add some way we can track the fear and suspicion of each character - as these two factors are not ver well explained, making some failures feel less like the player's fault than others. Overall the I greatly enjoyed this game but it requires some very minor polish to make it feel less frustrating to people - it would be a shame if most people dropped this game for something that is easily fixable.

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I love the concept of the whole murder mystery deal, but with pregnancies. I just feel like it's still rough around the edges and needs to be polished up.  The true ending does feel a bit a little empty and I still don't know why the goddess was sealed away in the first place, but since this was a short game, so it gets a pass.  I still had fun with it, and I hope you do more like it in the future.


Took me a few tries but I got the ending. Very interesting formula for the game that made me want to find all the interactions with the items. My major gripe was the it takes a few playthroughs to figure out all the interactions with the various items but the game doesn’t lend itself well to repeat playthroughs. Having to repeat the same encounters multiple times just to find out a different use for an item was a bit tiring. But the overall narrative and puzzle intrigue of the game kept me determined to beat it. I like the formula here. One minor thing that I didn’t realize on my first playthrough is characters having potentially multiple interactions worth of dialogue. That’s probably just on me but it definitely made progression slower because it’d miss the ability to use some items. One way to fix this is having the first NPC to be talked to a second time in a row give you some sort of useless item just to enforce the player learns about it. But again, it’s really just on me for missing it. Anyways I definitely went off on a tangent over a very tiny issue. Great work. Clever game that works nicely. It’s going to be tough to work in new content but if there’s ever a sequel or update, I’ll be sure to try it.

This game is really interesting, but it took me so long to figure out how to win it. I have no idea how I'd figure out how to get the true ending. There's a lot of feeling helpless and frustrated in this game.


I really enjoyed it but trying to get to the end is just such a painful  chore and I cant figure it out, when I think I do it slaps me with either a character leaving early or a game over confrontation and after many many hours of trying I just want to give up and wait for a complete guide

Jam Judge

First thoughts:

Rather impressive, actually! I didn't expect it to be quite as complex as it was in the end, I don't have much else to say in terms of possible adjustments.
One thing though (and I will try to avoid spoilers): Using a certain item from the kitchen in the dining room on day 1 will teleport you into a room that doesn't exist on day 1, allowing you to get the keys early. I wasn't able to find any other bugs other than that though!


Glad you enjoyed it!

I had a lot of fun designing and making my first game and was worried I'd bitten off more than I could chew. Thanks for pointing out the sequence break bug before the jam deadline. That's patched in the latest version, which is now uploaded (v1.1).