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Sperbus published a asset pack 311 days ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Making half of this guy pushed PicoCAD to the limit, so I made half, copied and flipped it all in the toolkit and put it back in, and it turned out pretty well! My biggest project yet and I'm quite pleased how it came out :)
WavyAphid90518 published a PicoCAD File 313 days ago
A downloadable PicoCAD File.
BEN published a picoCAD asset 313 days ago
Angry_Ed published a project 313 days ago
A downloadable project.
Submission for the picoCAD Jam 117. Theme was enemies. I decided a TIE Bomber would be a nice way to get used to using picoCAD. Included are the picoCAD text file and the texture file used, as well as the GIF spinaround.
DaShrapnel published a project 313 days ago
A downloadable project.
A picocad version of Minos prime from ULTRAKILL that i made for the picocad enemies jam
Apoidea published a asset pack 313 days ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Made for the picoCAD Enemies Jam.