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A jam submission

Seasons of the MindView project page

Submitted by Thomas Green — 8 hours, 7 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#393.5413.786

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

This was written for an imaginary JRPG called Seasons of the Mind. The idea I came up with for the game was that you play as a girl exploring a small town that she has just moved to, and as you explore things just feel kind of off. Eventually it is revealed that the girl has had an accident and is exploring her mind while in a coma, when she has accepted what happened to her and is ready to face reality she will wake up and that would also be the end of the game.
Because the main character is in a coma I had the idea that her family would bring music boxes to play for her in the hospital, so I created the loops from simple chord progressions and arpeggios that are playing underneath the triangle and square wave sounds I used as my synths and the other instruments that I assigned to each season with the idea that her brain is translating the music she hears in reality to the music in her dream world.

Message from the artist:
The combination of life happening and this being my first time ever writing music intended as a soundtrack, meant that I definitely over scoped. I don't really feel like I was able to finish what I set out to accomplish, HOWEVER I have learned a lot throughout this jam and really appreciate that I had that opportunity and appreciate anyone who takes the time to listen.


Story of Seasons
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The story of the game is that the girl is living out a year in her mind, as each season progresses her mindset is shifting. With Summer being innocent and playful, Fall would be when things start to get weird and the music shifts to be very digital and weird to reflect the strange things the girl is experiencing, Winter is when the girl has had the realization that none of what she is experiencing is real and Winter is a slower and more somber time in general so the music changes to reflect that, and finally Spring is when the girl is ready to accept what happened to her and face reality, so the music becomes more energetic and resolute.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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You have some good melodies, but I wish there was more changes in maybe the instrumentation or rhythm


Really enjoyed the usage of the music box in the beginning!