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A jam submission

FallView game page

Submitted by Xi Peng, JoeyZhu, Maria Morejon — 6 hours, 37 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


There really is a big difference for when you turn on the effects versus without them. My personal favorite is the dissolve effect!

The dissolve effect was really unique to showcase a game loss or defeat. When pairing that effect with the lighting that dims during after a player death definitely increases the game feel and is a really cool effect!

Amazing Simulation of how game feel can be improved. Shows a lot of effects that would actually make the game better. Good demo.

This shows exactly what game feel is about, especially when all the individual options come together. It creates the 'juice' and adds an extra layer of excitement to the game. In particular, I like how you show that even the simplest of events, in this case falling, can be exciting/flashy.

I like how you focus on adding game feel to a specific mechanics in the game which is falling instead of the whole game. It gives a clearer perspective on how game feel changes the game. Out of all the game feel effects, I really love the dissolve and the sound effect. The dissolve effect gives the feeling that you are restarting the game and as we all know when we restart the game, we 'magically' get back to the start. So, the dissolve effect gives that feeling.

I think the camera shake and bounce go really well together. That really made the fall look more impactful. It looked like something really heavy was falling. The falling sound effect was also a nice addition. The dissolve also looked really cool.

For a simple scene you guys did a really nice job of adding a lot of juicieness. Was really evident when starting with no effects and then adding all at once. The dissolving effect, shadow effect coupled with the falling sound was weirdly calming to me.

It does its job and has effects that add depth to the effects of the fall. The disintegration effect is particularly cool.


What could this game have done better?


I kinda wished the fall was a bit longer to be able to look at the effects more.

Having all the effects reset after every demo can be a little annoying. Maybe a hot key to toggle all the effects at once would help.

There is no player interaction. It is just a demo and there is no control over anything other than toggles. Would've been great to have some sort of player interaction - like controlling the box. Also, resetting all options at the end of the demo feels a bit off. Having to select the toggle quickly at the start of the animation means we get lesser time to explore the effect. Maybe a pause at the start to select the toggles, or not resetting the toggles at the end of demo wouldve been great.

I think that the game could have added some other mechanics, instead of just falling. Some more gameplay like jumping or enemies, would be a great way to further expand on what you already have.

The bounce effect is kinda out of place because I feel like the box shouldn't bounce when falling. So it kinda feels awkward. If it's a ball or any squishy object, it would make sense

I'm not a fan of the lighting effect because it just seemed like an extra addition that did not really enhance game feel. The background music also did not seem to fit well with the game.

Don’t have any criticisms really nice job!

The UI feels very lackluster, and it resetting every fall makes it hard to toggle effects and view them as needed/intended. Definitely feels like the project lacks polish overall.