What did this game do well?
I like the concept of the game and the movement of the player. I like the PCG in the layout of the hills as well. The music and the background fits well with the theme. Cute UI.
I liked the overall concept of navigating PCG'd hills, and thought that the way that the hills were generated made the game challenging in a good way.
This game is reminding me of happy wheels with the (semi-goofy) controls and odd physics, I love it!
Unique idea to use PCG to do map generation without feeling overdone (like dungeon crawlers).
The game is ok and looks fine. It can be pretty satisfying to nail a jump.
I think this game has a fun and unique control scheme -- it's quite satisfying to get the hang of and get big bursts of speed. The procedural generation, while simple, is also totally adequate for the genre and effectively creates a map which is continually offering new challenges.
Interesting game idea, reminds me of alto's odyssey.
good feeling of suspense with chasing snowball
I like the choice of art style and assets.
What could this game have done better?
I don't think there is a button to replay so I have to keep refreshing the page. I made several 360 rotations but it didn't seem like I received any points for them. I think if you fix some minor things in this game and add in a bit more interactive stuff, it can be a actual game.
I think that the mechanics of the movement could be worked on a little bit more. Sometimes I would be at an area where the ground was relatively flat, and it seemed like I could do nothing to go faster than the snowball.
Your UI for game over and scoring is a touch small and could use some stylizing.
It is a bit hard to win/do well, I think the graders were very harsh during your presentation -- it's just a game, the physics don't have to make sense -- but I (softly) agree that there should be some logic/strategy involved (you should be able to get better as you continue to play, and I don't feel like I was really able to).
Is the snowball affected by the map? It seems like his speed stays the same while I slow down.
The physics in this game is definitely a little counterintuitive and the level generation can be tweaked a little to fit better with the mechanics of the game. For example a nearly flat surface almost always leads to losing even if the player doesn't stop entirely.
After a while, the game does a get a little repetitive -- adding in some sort of rare power-up or other ways to earn points (e.g. little collectibles) I think could help with this. Also it's a little rough to lose all of your speed when you miss a landing. This could be an intentional choice to make the game harder, but I think it might be more fun if you lose a bit less of your momentum.
Probably just me but the game contains several bugs, one is the player will suddenly stops. Also the snowball is catching up in a strange way.
Gravity is acting weirdly in this game, like accelerate in the down slope and decelerate in up slot feels making more sense.
skis don't always fit within curves of mountain
The physics is weird. For example, the player accelerates when going up hill; The player nearly stops even when landing in the 'smooth' angle. Also, the generation of the mountain curves could be done better so that it deliver a more than pure random experience.
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