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Trapped in the DarkView game page

Submitted by jeffzhkw, JoeyZhu, aliahshakirin — 2 hours, 8 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


I love the horror aspect, adds to the diversity of prototypes. I also like the idea of how being in the dark decreases sanity, reminds me of Don't Starve. The balancing of power of the flashlight and sanity adds a tense aspect to the horror game, which is a great addition to horror game.

I liked the way that you foreshadowed enemies at the beginning of the level. Additionally, the claustrophobic level design contributed to the horror theme.

'This game is unbelievably atmospheric. The whole design really sells the 'Lost and surrounded by ghosts in an abandoned castle' vibe. Limiting the field of view really makes the otherwise fairly standard gameplay and platformer level design really stand out.

In addition, the flashlight/sanity mechanic is *excellent*. It means that the game is effectively timed, but gives you the illusion of control over that timer, as well as just a little bit of overhead to manage as you make your way through the level. There is a little bit of cheese you can do with flickering the flashlight which may lengthen it a bit, but that's both really arduous, obviously unintended, and obviously cheese, so that's not really a negative.

Overall, I've had a lot of fun playing this game!'

I think it is interesting that I couldn't see the whole map at first and I need to use the spotlight to explore the map.

The music and art style provides a great sense of tension.

The dark feeling incorporating the BGM gives a direct horror feedback.

I really like the theme of the game. The eerie music and black and white tiles gave a nice spooky feel to the game. I liked how there was limited light from the flashlight and you would lose sanity in the dark.

I really like the flash like mechanics and the vacuum system. The level design is really good.


What could this game have done better?


Perhaps this is my personal taste, but I think the bgm could be better as a quiet-creepy sound as opposed to a loud-creepy one. The sprites that comes up could also be scarier(the ghost was more cute than scary), though I appreciate it not being that scary as I want to sleep tonight.

Other than visual aspects, I'm a little confused as what I'm supposed to do, and the vaccum doesn't seem to be working for me, and I got myself stuck in one of the areas where the red ghost appears.

i was unable to progress past the first jump. I dont know if this is a bug or if I’m misunderstanding a mechanic but either way, that’s not good.

'I enjoyed this a lot, but there are two things I really have to point out. First, this game clearly wasn't tested in the browser after upload. Having the crouch button be the control key results in you constantly hitting a browser command (like Ctrl+F for Find) and losing focus on the game. This is especially disruptive for an atmospheric game like this. There's also a point in the game where you can't see what you're doing when you're on the very bottom, and I legitimately don't know if I'm softlocked down there or if it's progress.

Speaking of which, the second thing: softlocks. Assuming that really, really strange wall jumping thing is just a bug, because it's explained absolutely nowhere and doesn't fit the tone of the game at all, this game just softlocks you at a lot of points. If the player cannot progress, kill them, and don't waste their time. Or at least communicate clearly that they are boned, so they can restart. On the other hand, if it's not a bug, that's probably worse, because superhuman jumping powers go against the whole game feel of powerlessness that the player is experiencing, and again, it's never explained. The only thing that makes me think this would be a feature at all is that I honestly have no idea how you would even beat the first level without it.

Even with the bug I'm not entirely sure how to beat the second level, which makes me think it needs a bit more polish in terms of where the level is directing you to go. Still, a very fun game!'

I think the control buttons on the left are a little hard to press. Maybe a left shift or other character button would work better.

I feel slightly loss about the mechanisms of the game. Then I fell into a pit and cannot come out :(

Don't see so many level designs in the game. Don't know how to do and where to get. Got confusion on it.

I was stuck at some point in the map because I didn't know where to go and I seemed to have fallen into a pit. I wish there was some arrows or some more help from the game developers telling us how to get out.

I think the player should be able to see further without the flash light, and I didn't really know what I should do when i ran out of the energy. The enemy should illuminates the environment.