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A jam submission

Bouncy BulletView game page

W, A, S, D to move, mouse to aim and fire.
Submitted by naga_b, sid538, w1nk — 12 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


I liked the theme and how you can get multiple lives/health, it allows the player to make mistakes but also keep playing and increase their skills

I super love this game. It has different enemies and obstacles. Bricks and enemies have different features. When you are playing, you can use these features to dodge and attack which make this game a good depth.

The game has good game feel and interesting level design. I am very surprised that my character will also affect by hitting its bullet and lose health, plus the bullet also does not quickly go disappear. This is a nice feature I have not seen in other games and definitely add some depth to the game as I have to strategically plan to shoo the bullets. The enemy has cool animation effect and there are variety such as stand still and moving enemy. The moving block to open the gate can also kill my character and makes the level more difficult to pass through.

The gameplay was smooth/engaging and there weren't bugs.

Was the perfect amount of difficulty to make the game interesting but not too much where player gives up playing the game quickly. I liked that the puzzle game theme was combined with shooter style gameplay thought that combination was really interesting.

I like the strategy part of the game, use all the grey boxes to reach the goal

I thought that the functionality of the bullets and how they affected the different types of enemies/hazards added good depth to the game. It made you think more about your actions before performing them and strategize how to navigate the map.

I like the puzzle/strategy aspect of the game. It wasn't too easy or too difficult and you had to think about what you were going to do.


What could this game have done better?


The controls don't seem to work in the browser version, but I think that making the bullet behavior less predictable, like the bullets don't always fly horizontally, they can go in random directions.

It will be better if it has a background music and make the bricks look more obvious. You can make the scene more complex to add fun.

I think the game needs more sound to add more game feel. There are lots of moving components that can use a little more sounds effect. The enemy count is unnecessary which can be replaced by a scoring system that makes the player feel more rewarding. Besides these improvements, I really enjoy the game.

I felt like the art / coherency of the game was pre lackluster, and the sound effects felt pretty bland as there was basically nothing the majority of the time unless shooting / performing an action. Considering gameplay is a lot of slow movement there isn't a lot of constant action so background is often dead quiet.

Adding some falling effects for damaging wall tiles could add an extra level of complexity to make the game even more interesting and difficult.

I hope the split bullet direction can be more than horizontal. Like depend on the angle the player shot it

I think that there could have been a clearer objective or points given for combination of actions. For example, if you shoot one object that hits another object, the score multiplies in some way.

Maybe add some powerups/items to add more depth.