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Tower-DefenceView game page

Submitted by GS_F, Xi Peng, kc3753 — 16 hours, 43 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


1) It got really fun to play after a while. I love how you guys designed the map.

2) The generating of enemies got much faster and more intense as time goes on, which was very interesting.

3) I like how you also gave a 20 second shield in case I feel like I'm dying lol.

4) I also like how you didn't include a bgm, which would of been overwhelming with the laser sounds.Overall, very fun game.

The game gets progressively harder, so that was one way depth was shown. The sound effects chosen fit the theme well, and it was pretty intuitive what we had to do.

It requires player to decide which tower to build and which grid to build the tower. Since gold and time is limited, players have to make fast decision that can make sure the least amount of enemy can reach the end. I like the map design because there are a lot of places that are tempting to place the tower.

First off, this game was *awesome*! I was sweating a little bit when I beat the final boss! For a single player game and only a week to make it, you put an incredible amount of depth in this! The pacing felt impossible at first, but as I got the hang of the game 'How do I ever beat this?' to 'How do I create an effective strategy with these?' to 'Wait... I won? I Won!' Excellent job hitting the sweet spot there.

Initially, took some time to figure out how much damage each tower does. Learning where to place the towers and how to manage gold was also interesting.

I like these sound effects. They have a sense of beat when played together, which add more game feel.

It reminds me about those tower defense games at my childhood. It's really interesting to play and also needs strategies to pass this game. TR games are one of the best choices for the topic of skill depth.

This game is extremely strategy-based and involving a lot of depth. Each tower has its own behavior which are good.

The game feel is very satisfying


What could this game have done better?


1) Since there is only 100 gold to begin with, I am much more prompted to buy the laser that cost 20 gold then the one that cost 50 gold since the enemies are coming so fast. Maybe make it more cheaper like 30-40 gold?

2) Not sure what the cancel button does.

The menu for the towers was directly on the map, so for the first few times I would accidentally double click (bc there was no feedback of which tower I had chosen) and it would place the towers under the menu. That was confusing at first.

The control was confusing as first. The right most column overlapped with the UI and I misplaced the towers several times. There was no clear indication that I've selected a tower and it's ready to be placed.

While I loved this game, the UI/UX... needed some work. And not in the 'It could look prettier' sort of way, in the 'I can't figure out what is going on' sort of way. I spent several minutes when I first started the game trying to figure out how to place units because there was nothing that led me to think the icons on the right were buttons, instead of UI elements. I just assumed that left/right click would do it... then the number keys... then maybe 'Q/W'??

And this comes up in a bunch of other places too, like figuring out the interest mechanic when there's little indication it's happening. Being used to games without it, I was confused as to why it felt like there was nowhere near enough money to buy towers until I noticed my money going up more some times than others! And when all of a sudden I kept dying at -99 to this random enemy I couldn't figure out why until the third time I noticed it had an obscene amount of health and went... 'wait, is that the boss?'

Point is, this game was awesome, but it was a little unintuitive.

Linear gameplay. The enemies keep pouring in without any time to plan the next action. Too fast-paced in the later stages. Would've been even more challenging if there were more types of enemies and towers.

Maybe they could have more tower types.

I think the game is only a prototype due to the limited time for a homework - It could be more complex and even add a resource system, which will definitely make the game more interesting.

It would be better If the game could have more enemies type. The balancing can be better because I purchased 2 aura towers and placed them on the wrong spot on my first try because I don't know what each tower does, and the game is unplayable because I could kill any enemy and no money gains.

If there are more weapons and levels. If the boss is more distinguishable