What did this game do well?
Good level design that teaches all of the movement mechanics. The theme and aesthetic is nice, with opportunity to further flesh out.
The simple aesthetics make the goal very clear, and the movement is quite intuitive. The difficulty being in the landscape itself was also interesting, instead of being concentrated on fighting opponents. It made for compelling gameplay with great potential for skill depth.
A good core concept where everything feels thematically appropriate. The movement is easy to understand but there's endless possibility with the level design. Highly scalable without becoming too complicated. The levels currently in place do a good job at showing the breadth of the movement system.
Straight forward mechanics that make it a clear platformer type of game.
The tutorial level introduces the core mechanics with effective feedback to the player. Each new mechanic is introduced in such a way that it incorporates the previous mechanics that were introduced thus reinforcing the game mechanics to the player's control.
The game's minimalist approach was very effective at focusing on the mechanics and level design. The controls felt smooth to use and the mechanics were easy to pick up on.
I feel like the animation of the frog jumping up and down was done well. I also liked how they used layering with the simple game elements they set up to make the game challenging. The game mechanic I enjoyed the most was the wall climbing you could do with the frog's jumps.
What could this game have done better?
The movement feels somewhat off- the dash especially feels like not enough of a burst of speed compared to the standard movement.
The dash does not always seem to work, which was a little frustrating. It would also be nice if more of the landscape were visible at once, which could also potentially foreshadow areas to come.
Jumps can be exploited to the point that you're essentially just walking up walls. On one hand it works with the 'stickiness' of a frog, but it makes some sections significantly easier/more exploitable than they otherwise would be. Camera might need a bit of tweaking as well, a little more zoomed out to see obstacles better and know where you're jumping at all times
The mechanics and instructions for the wall jumping tech could be better since it wasn't mentioned you have to hold into the wall and the window to perform the wall was small since letting go first just takes away your jump.
I think the level after the tutorial level was a little too challenging for a beginner player. The jump in difficulty could have been streamlined.
The dash mechanic is a bit unclear as to when you are dashing. Some sort of feedback to indicate when you are dashing would be nice. Some additions of guidance or weenies would be great to help the players navigate the levels.
I feel like this game could benefit from a more clear tutorial, I mostly had to figure out the game mechanics on my own which was still fun but could be frustrating. I also felt like some of the parts of the level were not totally visible to the player so you had to make like blind jumps sometimes which was also frustrating to die from.
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