I'm extremely excited to be making my first ever game in this 'First Game Jam'! :) Having decided to get out of my creative rut recently by making things on Itch.io, this jam presented the perfect opportunity to make my first game, which is something I've always wanted to do, but have always found a reason not to (mostly, 'I have no idea what I'm doing and it sounds hard'). However, with Godot, a Skillshare subscription and a community of people all in a similar position , I'm confident I'll be able to make a functional game by the deadline!
I had some idea of what I was going to do around the theme of 'Heal', but my plan changed on the day the Jam started, when I was advised to go to hospital (don't worry, it turned out to be nothing serious :). After an ECG, I had to wait in the waiting room for my results and a check-up. I wasn't sure how long it was going to be, or even if I was in the right waiting room for a time, but it turned into a long wait; more than 3 hours.
In that time, a lot of thoughts went through my head. Of course, what my results would be was the main thought at first, but that gradually faded as I realised that, if something serious had come up on an ECG, I probably would already have been called. I'm incredibly lucky to have a caring boyfriend who was texting me the whole time, and was likely more worried about me than I was. I also had my dad waiting to take me home, and they were both anxious to know when I would get to come home. So, what do I tell them? When will I be called?
That's when the idea for 'The Wait' and it's gameplay occurred to me. Enter the waiting room, and try to figure out when you are going to be called. The player can observe the people around them, the rate at which people are being called, how many doctors they think are working etc. They will also need to balance this with dealing with distractions (like the loud vending machines, ambulances passing outside and more), as well as natural human needs. Mistime a bathroom break, and you could lose count; or worse, be called while you are gone.
I want 'The Wait' to be relatively light-hearted, so I'll steer clear of any heavy elements of story (and may change the name when I see more of the game itself, it seems quite ominous). To capture the emotions that I experienced, I'd rather use the mechanics of the game itself rather than a story. It should be tense, but not that stressful. I'll try to get a scoring system, where the closer you are to the correct time, you will get more points, but it is possible to fail completely by missing being called.
I'm aware that I'm probably giving myself a lot to do here, but, I do want elements like the people in the waiting room and the time you will be called to be randomly generated. To save time, I'll do pixel art sprites for one waiting room (similar to the actual one I was in and took notes of) and some basic models for people, which the game can also combine and randomly generate each time.
Feel free to leave me feedback and let me know just how much I've given myself to do :) I'll try to post updates regularly as I progress.
Thanks for reading,