The name is spot on, you run and shoot :))) I'm glad it had three levels just like my submission :D
It's a nice simple shooting game overall considering you didn't wrap up an unfinished project like I did. The box-carrying mechanism is physics-based and it gets stuck behind walls, but it's funny :)
Unfortunately, the game does not have any sound at all whatsoever. It's actually easy in Unity to just add an AudioSource component on your bullet prefab at least.
There are enemy robots, as per the prompt, that follow you in a line. I could argue with the 50% enemy damage, but you also deal 50% damage to them, so it's kind of balanced because the robots can't shoot as well. However, I would prefer if they did shoot bullets with low damage as well as their usual 50% "melee" damage so that the health bar would make more sense and wouldn't just jump from 100% to 50% and then death xD
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