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tim zee rated a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
tim zee rated a NPC datasheet 2 years ago
auximines published a project 2 years ago
A downloadable project.
Amelia is a perpetually lost adventuring squirrel. Though very brave, she is quite forgetful. She is always on a quest of some kind, but can never remember what is or where she was going. Rumour has it that she used to carry a Keysword (sam...
Perplexing Ruins published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
A outcast member of the Fey. Fallen Fairies are rare indeed, and their souls are all the blacker for it. These turned dreamers, dwellers of dimensional space, seek to capture the happy memories of their victims. In truth, they are misunders...
A downloadable NPC.
A last-minute submission to the NPC jam. Inject some psionic weirdness into your mausritter game today. Belfry is an independent production by Stella Condrey and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Thir...
cube287 published a NPC datasheet 2 years ago
A downloadable NPC datasheet.
An itinerant warrior with a tranquil nature. They have a quick sword (well, needle, they're only mouse-sized), and even quicker wit. An NPC for you to insert into your Mausritter (or otherwise compatible) campaign.
Pulpee published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
An American poker card-sized NPC for the tabletop roleplaying game Mausritter by Isaac Williams. You can put this hawk on your random encounter table. He will most likely appear when the party is in bad shape, and in dire need of rest. It's...
A downloadable game.
Seven fun and interesting NPCs to meet in you Mausritter games. Mausritter is copyright Losing Games. Public Domain NPCs is an independent production by Matthew Morris AKA ManaRampMatt and is not affiliated with Losing Games . It is publish...
sputnikgames published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
A weird knight errant travelling in your campaign setting. He's from an obscure and dishonoured chivalric order that nobody ever heard of. His goal: trying to regain some reputation by being credited for your achievement.
Ezakur published a NPC Card 2 years ago
A downloadable NPC Card.
Camalote the Capyabara is a cryptic NPC for your Mausritter games. This NPC was originally created for the Mausritter: November of NPCs game jam and then submitted to the Binomial Game Jam. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris: Capybaras, carpinchos o...
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