Hey valeu por colar na live :) (e por fazer eu reiniciar ela kkkkkkkkkkk)
O jogo está incrível, não consegui terminar pq sou lerdo em jogo rítmico, eu entendi sua ideia de ter o tema tocando de fundo atrapalhando a musica, mas ele está exageradamente alto desde o inicio, tenta diminuir um pouquinho o volume inicial.
É diferente ter que olhar pros dois lados da tela ( e engraçado) mas acho que seria melhor se isso fosse aumentando progressivamente ao invés de já começar assim.
Se quiser rever o VOD ta aqui o timestamp https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1516638808?t=0h27m43s
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SONS DO CAOS's itch.io pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Visually this looks great. One of the prettiest submissions in the game jam. I think in gameplay there are mechanical techniques that could improve the player experience. I think it's unclear currently exactly when the player should be pressing keys. It seems like it should be when the arrows get to the circles, but it's very unforgiving, so even if it feels like you're doing it well you'll probably still lose shortly. Scoring feels a little confusing because during a run I thought was bad I got the most points I could manage. That was only 203, however. I think in the gameplay the natural flow of the game could have been introduced smoothly. By most rhythm game standards the commands for this song are very fast. Keeping the commands on the sides of the screen also feels like it was designed with a small monitor in mind--on a TV it's almost impossible to see all commands clearly at the same time. Overall I'd just recommend more forgiveness for the player on timing even if it's not strictly accurate. Use buffers etc. for that. It's common for rhythm games because the target audience is people who like music more than people who play it perfectly. This keeps the experience from feeling frustrating.
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