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Versatile Music Composer and Sound Designer

A topic by karloilic created Oct 21, 2023 Views: 90 Replies: 1
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Cheers everyone, I'm a musician and composer from Croatia with 10+ years experience in gigging, recording, arranging and composing (mostly jazz and traditional music, but also music for film and theater). You can check out a bit of my DAW work here if you need music for the jam:

I've been an LSD fan forever, including Osamu Sato's insane soundtrack. I've got far too many, uh, obscure  interests (but so do you! :)).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch. I would be very excited to have the opportunity to score/record and produce music and SFX for another game. I also do sound implementation with middleware (Wwise, but Fmod is on the list).

Discord: karloro

Thank you for your time!


Deleted 173 days ago
