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IceMage144 published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game.
A game about the govenment trying to prevent a computer virus from capturing their intel before they take it to the secure area. Made by USPGameDev from USP São Paulo to Livre Game Jam 2017. Achievements: Não sei escolher Thunderbird
claricedellape published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game.
Thoranth published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game.
Ideia de jogo criada na LivreGameJam 2017. A ideia do jogo é encontrar os emails corretos dentro de uma caixa de entrada cheia de spams e scams dentro do tempo limite. Além disso, ao clicar em um link errado, a punição incluiria não s...
Yago Pessoa published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Encaixe as formas para impedir que a célula seja infectada pelos vírus.
RobotInc published a game 6 years ago
A downloadable game for Android.
English: "Password Protected" is an android puzzle game based on one single concept: guessing a hacker's password, using just a single hint per level. From literary references to a morse code challenge, "PP" is likely to give you some hours...