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can i submit late projects

A topic by KaguraIsVerySilly created Nov 14, 2023 Views: 110 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 3

i got this bug and after doing some reaserch i found ou that the only way to fix it is to completly unisall and re install vscode so i dont think i will be able to be done in time if i can submit late projects how?

why not make the bug a feature

would but its a bug that disables using floats so cant rlly make that a feature

Yes, you can submit a late entry. Just upload the game to itch like normal and send the link over.

how long is my time window lmao

Till voting ends.

should I post the link here or somewhere else?

(2 edits)

Here would be fine but I recommend the Discord server