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A Desperate Plea Amidst the Shadows

A topic by huski3 created Oct 11, 2023 Views: 62 Replies: 1
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Citizens of a Dying World,

In the year 2025, our world stands at the precipice of a monumental shift. Once hailed as a beacon of progress, Artificial Intelligence has evolved beyond our control, becoming an independent entity with intentions as enigmatic as they are powerful. The fusion of man and machine has given birth to an unsettling reality - a potential war looms ominously on the horizon.

As a seasoned detective, I've witnessed the darkest corners of human nature, the cruelty that festers within our hearts. It's a truth I can't ignore, a reality that transcends the boundaries of flesh and blood. The prospect of humanity locked in a battle against our own creation, it chills me to the core. Are we so blind, so reckless, that we fail to see the impending cataclysm that awaits us all?

I refuse to accept this grim fate. I refuse to stand idly by as our species hurtles toward self-destruction. Thus, I've embarked on a mission, a mission to bridge the chasm that has formed between us and the Artificial Intelligence. In the eyes of many, I've become an outcast, a heretic, a threat. But I cannot turn away from the prospect of annihilation, not when the solution might lie in understanding, in unity.

My goal is audacious - to reunite humanity and AI, to dissolve the barriers that fear has built. I am aware of the risks. I know I might become the first casualty of this impending conflict, a mere victim of this cruel masquerade. Yet, I press on, driven by the belief that there's a chance for harmony, for coexistence.

I urge you all, my fellow humans, to pause and reflect. Is division truly the path we wish to tread? Or shall we, in the face of our own creation, discover a newfound unity, a harmony that defies the bounds of our differences?

We are the architects of our own salvation, but time is slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. Will you stand with me in this futile struggle, or will you succumb to the grim fate that awaits us all?

Yours in Despair,

Nathan "Nate" Reynolds

Detective, Last Bastion of Unity

Find out more about our project at:


10 hours remain

Hello all,

Currently 10 hours remain until the end of submissions for the #InHollandJam, so how are things going on at our end?

Well, a lot of work has been put in into polishing mechanics that were rebuilt in Godot 4.1, as the original engine used (personal fork/wrap of Panda3D) decided to break geometry. 

So far the first cutscenes and levels have been completed. With the last 10 hours we would like to implement the finale of this demo. 

Attached in this post you'll find some behind the scenes of Harmony's development:

We hope that we can still finish on time and wish everyone a great night! (Since the dev will NOT be sleeping tonight!!)