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Supermarket DangersView game page

Submitted by myersg2 — 22 days, 4 hours before the deadline
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Remarkable: Good use of textures to indicate food items, and especially the facemask texture allows this to serve as a good time capsule for the times.

Needs Improvement: Project hierarchy and script organization could be improved, and since you used some on-screen UI it was a little confusing that the "you win" and "you died" messages were in the console rather than also in the on-screen UI.

Successful: I was motivated to collect all the coins. Even though it was simple, this works well as a "collect-a-thon" prototype.

(1 edit)

Hi Georgia! I thought this was really creative! I understood that you needed to covid the other people walking around so you don't get covid right away when I turned on your game. The set up is great. Perhaps restart the game when you lose all your health instead of it saying "you died" in the console. If you get all the coins before you lose all your health i think you should display a you win text on screen. I agree with Dalton on adding a jump that would be cool! 

Hey Georgia! This was a really interesting and relatable COVID experience. I think you really nailed the feeling of being in a supermarket with lots of people who don't bother staying away from you. I think making the player a bit slower would have helped, I thought it was a little slidey due to the speed. Also adding a game over state and help screen would have really been beneficial - I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at first. But I loved the textures you used and the mechanic, and I could definitely see this being fleshed out into a full grocery store sized game. Maybe it could even be something educational about virus spreading. Nice job!!


Georgia, I really enjoyed playing your game! It was a nice short and sweet experience. The most remarkable thing about your game was the level design. I liked how all the shelves were stocked and that there were signs about telling the customers to wear a mask. That really helped immerse me into this frightening shopping experience. I also really liked the health bar you incorporated and the fact that it went down so quickly when touching other people really made me want to keep my distance. This element could also be improved though because the game doesn't actually end when you lose all of your health and you can still continue afterwards and get the win message, so that kind of defeats the purpose of having the health bar in the first place. Also, I think it might have been neat instead of collecting coins you had a shopping list that you had to go around the store and search for. An indication of how many items we needed to collect would have been helpful as well, because I actually didn't realize I won at first because the game just kept going. Moving on, I thought your movement was very successful and fun. The speed felt perfect for the frantic feeling most people get going to the supermarket theses days. Finally, I really liked how you had the other shoppers moving around and they were placed in great positions where you had to maneuver around them to get the items you wanted. One last thing that I didn't really enjoy was how you start the game facing the wall. I was a bit confused at first and didn't realize the game had started. Overall, I really enjoyed playing your project and I thought it was a really good prototype!


Georgia, I was really impressed by how fun to play your game was! Running around just a few isles trying to avoid all the other shoppers was a fun mechanic and worked well in first person. I also think the other shoppers had movement speeds and paths that were tuned very well and that's one of the reasons running around them felt so good. Not only that, but trying to find the hidden coins on the shelves was a great way to incentivize  the player needing to move around and interact with the scene. Even though the game loop was not really complete or polished since there isn't really something stopping you when you win or die, the experience still felt fun as a playable prototype. I think adding a jump might be a cool mechanic, that way the player would have to search for coins that are up higher and could reach them. You could even add platforming and obstacles related to that. However that might be in future levels and out of the scale for a prototype. I agree with Celeste as well, an indication of how many coins we need to collect would be nice, that way players don't feel anxious as they start collecting larger amounts of coins. Instead  they could   feel excited about finding them all.  All in all, the game was a  really fun playable prototype that   with some more polish could really turn into a complete feeling game!


I was impressed by the images used on the shelves, making them feel properly stocked. This project could have been done with simple models, but the graphics made it feel more immersive. A success with the game is making the objective easy to understand. The UI with a coin count made me immediately realize that I had to look for coins. I liked how there was an actually objective for me to complete. If there is one thing to be improved on, it is having something happen when the player collects all the coins, and having the counter include the total amount of coins they need to work for.