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Lizard Cup and BallsView game page

Submitted by Jack Brubaker — 23 days, 1 hour before the deadline
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I agree with most of the feedback given already. The lizard is a cool mascot, but I actually found kind of confusing because I thought *maybe* the goal was to get a ball to go closer to the lizard so that it could stick out its tongue and eat it. And also it seemed to easy to get the ball in the cup—if I just moved the platforms out of the way it would fall in. 

The game mechanic itself is a seed of a good idea because you can build ever more complex levels on it. It actually seems like an ideal experience with hand controllers in VR, because I found it hard to move the platforms properly with the keyboard and would find it much easier if I had finer motor control of them.


As everyone said the most remarkable thing was the lizard. I’m assuming it was imported which is something we haven’t learned yet. 

I think the basic controls, physics, and scene of the game work well but it just needed one or two more things to feel really complete. Like a spawner when the ball fell into the cup. One that would spawn in a random spot would add some challenge and be a satisfying game loop.

Overall it felt like most of the work went into making the scene and while it works it also feels incomplete and like if just a little more time was put into making a spawner and a scoring system it would be a very satisfying game loop.

Submitted (8 edits)

What stood out to me the most about this game was the design. Opening up the game, what first popped out at me was the lizard. I like how the lizard acts as a mascot or a symbol to the game. I also like setting of the game. At a first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell that you are in a Unity world because the game is zoomed in and only captures the immediate environment. The blue sky and varying sizes of green pipes kind of reminded me of how some of the levels in Mario looked like and I also thought the reflection of light off the pipes from the sky added a realistic element to the game. 

What I feel could use improvement would be the ball spawner. When the ball fell off the map or when it collided with the two paddles, I noticed a message in the console that stated that the spawner.spawnobject method was trying to be invoked. However, the method wasn't being called as no balls were being spawned. This issue confused me a little as I wasn't sure if the challenge aspect of the game involved having to control more than just one ball with the two paddles. 

Overall, as I stated above, I loved the design of the game. I also feel that the mechanics of paddles are pretty straight forward and not hard to grasp. What I feel could be added to the game would be new(or progressing) challenges as you move along. Increasing the speed of the ball on each bounce, or adding a lives/score counter to keep track of the player's progress are some examples that came to mind, but there are others that you could add based on where you want the game to go. 


I enjoyed playing this game. Something memorable from it was the lizard model sitting on top of a platform off to the side. I am curious if it was a prefab from the asset store or something that was custom-made. In regards to improving the game, I think the addition of some UI would help tell the player the controls for the game. Maybe a score system could be implemented for each ball that lands in the cup. One more thing I did notice was that the balls would not de-spawn after they either went in the cup or missed it. An automatic ball spawner could also be introduced to make the game more challenging. I did have to change the version of Unity in order to play this game so I might have broke some aspects of it, but it played fine overall. I feel that using two angled paddles provided a unique challenge in landing a ball in the cup since every time a ball was spawned in, it would travel in a random direction. Overall, the game is solid and with improvement, can become something special.