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TheGiftOfGabes rated a map-and-story game 2 years ago
A downloadable map-and-story game.
猫又 rated a game 2 years ago
gaylarked rated a journey game 2 years ago
A downloadable journey game.

A open-form world-building game with infinite possibilities! You make your own decks with notecards and draw from them, edit them and remove them. I played it with my girlfriend in a park on our first in-person date <3

Speak the Sky updated a map-and-story game 2 years ago
A downloadable map-and-story game.
Updated minimum price to $10.00.
Cige rated a iø 2 years ago
A downloadable iø.

An absolutely amazing module, it has some of the most creative mechanics I have ever seen in any rpg.  I have swiped things from this for two separate campaigns now, an neither one of them is a Mothership game.

Rae Nedjadi updated a Self-Care Ritual 2 years ago
A downloadable Self-Care Ritual.
Updated minimum price to $5.00.
Secret Foxfire rated a map-and-story game 2 years ago
A downloadable map-and-story game.
A downloadable game.

OK holy shit this is like a game that not only models that humanity of relationships: needs being unmet, the differing boundaries and conceptions of people when you first meet them or not -- IT'S ALSO IN A FANTASTIC BACKDROP OF SPACE. I LOVE HOW MESSY THIS IS, SUCH A NICE GAME THIS IS A MUST-PLAY FOR ME THANKS FOR MAKING THIS LUKE

Roland Boshnack rated a map-and-story game 2 years ago
A downloadable map-and-story game.
Whycalibur rated a map-and-story game 3 years ago
A downloadable map-and-story game.

An almost meditative experience. This is a game that is melancholy, but not in a bad way.

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