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Looking for an artist for the jam.

A topic by Pih Realms created Jan 18, 2023 Views: 125 Replies: 3
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Submitted (2 edits)

Hello, jammers! We are a team of 3  (A developer, voice artist and a music composer) looking for a visual artist with illustration as his strong suit to join us for the jam.
I am an indie dev, with experience in 7 Game jams in the past, including Gdevelop's #1 and #2 jams, where we acquired the #45th and #26th ranks. I have also participated in other jams like Black and White jam, Mini jam, GMTK game jam, Horror jam, and Brackeys Game jam.
I have developed 17+ games in the past 3 years, with 9 games publicly available on my itch page.

I would love to connect on discord ("Roshh#4897 ") and continue the discussion further.

I can be one


Hi,  I am a concept artist looking to join my first jam, if you're still looking for an artist I'd love to join.

Submitted (2 edits)

Hello, Yes we are still looking for one. We can continue our discussion on discord "Roshh#4897".