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Mr. Clean Fights BackView game page

Submitted by LupeCruz16 — 13 hours, 20 minutes before the deadline
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Guadalupe Cruz. Role: Programmer
Alejandro Agustin. Role: Programmer

Tools and Resources
VS Code

Estimated work hours

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Short description of the game
In our cleaning-themed game, players embark on a domestic adventure, tidying up a chaotic house teeming with disorder. The game unfolds in stages, each presenting its unique challenges and critters contributing to the mess.

Initially, players navigate through the cluttered rooms of the house, collecting brooms hidden in nooks and crannies. These brooms are crucial for chasing away the mice that have infested the home, adding to the disarray. As players skillfully gather brooms, they strategically scare off the mice, gradually restoring peace and order to the household.

The next phase shifts focus outdoors, where players tackle the task of taking out the trash. However, this mundane chore is complicated by the presence of bears attracted to the garbage. Players must cleverly move trash bags into bins to secure them from the bears, using strategy and timing to avoid encounters with these unexpected visitors.

Finally, the game culminates in a battle against insect nests that have taken root in various parts of the house. Players must navigate through the infested areas, using the tools and strategies they've acquired to destroy the nests. Each nest removed brings the house closer to being a clean, safe environment free from pests.

Throughout the game, players are challenged to think strategically, manage resources effectively, and react quickly to the dynamic changes within the game environment. With each stage of cleaning completed, the house gradually transforms from a scene of utter chaos to a beacon of cleanliness and order, rewarding players with a sense of accomplishment and a visually satisfying before-and-after comparison.

Development Process
Our game development process was quite intricate, primarily because both team members were novices in utilizing Pygame for project work. We are Mexican American students attending Cal State San Marcos, with English as our common language, which greatly facilitated our communication. Despite being in the same timezone and having the advantage of speaking the same language, the challenge lay in mastering a new technology. We adopted a hybrid approach to collaboration, combining in-person meetings with virtual discussions. Specifically, we met physically twice and held nightly discussions on Discord to maintain steady progress on our project. Additionally, we utilized GitHub as our platform for code sharing and collaborative development, which streamlined our workflow and made managing our project more efficient. This approach not only helped in overcoming the initial hurdles of unfamiliarity with Pygame but also fostered a strong teamwork dynamic, allowing us to learn and adapt throughout the development process.

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