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Programmer Seeking Team Members

A topic by ToonJay created 28 days ago Views: 44
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Hi everyone!

I'm looking for team members to create a 2D game from scratch using C++. When I say from scratch, I mean making a game engine rather than use one that already exists. Of course, we'll make full use of coding libraries and free assets.

A bit about me:

  • I have experience with version control using GitHub.
  • I've completed a highly rated comprehensive C++ course on Udemy called "Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond" and am currently revisiting it to refresh my skills.
  • I've also taken the Pikuma course on building a 2D game engine in C++, which I'll be revisiting next.
  • I have experience creating a game prototype in Unreal Engine 5 (C++) and a 2D game demo (with sprites) in Unity (C#), both of which are on this account.
  • I've completed all the lessons on Codility (a site for Online Coding Tests and Technical Interviews), gaining a better understanding of algorithms and efficient problem-solving techniques.
  • I have majors in both Computer Science/Applications and Computation Arts.

Although I’m a beginner and still refreshing my C++ and 2D game engine knowledge, I’m eager to dive in and apply what I’ve learned. I’m looking for programmers, artists, and sound designers who are passionate about game development and eager for a rewarding project.

If you're interested in joining the team or have any questions, feel free to reply to this post or message me directly. I'll be available for the entire duration of the project and can dedicate lots of time to this 10-day jam. Additionally, I'm available for voice chat, making it easier to collaborate and discuss ideas in real-time. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!