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Programmer looking for Art and Sound

A topic by Jaggard created 29 days ago Views: 94 Replies: 1
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(2 edits)

Hi, I'm Jaggard and I have done a few courses (I skipped the beginner courses and have done 2 of the Unity RPG courses). I like programming and thinking of mechanics but I'm lacking when it comes to art, story, sound, and other areas. I' fine with either joining a team or leading one since this is my first game jam. I've made a few projects, both 2D and 3D, and you can view them on my page.

Thanks, Jaggard

EDIT: I may have a friend who can do art for me, but I would still have no idea about sound or music.

Hi,  I'm Tremorfireheart and I tinker with game tutorials, but mostly I am a 2d type artist.  tremorfireheart - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt ,  .   
I tried to do a game jam once. I thought I would use renpy to make a whole visual novel in 10 days by myself. The person I was supposed to work with bailed at the last minute. I thought screw it ill just do it all! I bit off more than I could chew.   
I understanding the basics and constructs of coding (visual basic) just not in a language that is usually used for game making. I followed a unity tutorial and altered the process a bit and created a game about a cat knocking down Christmas ornaments.
I know a bit about
-Voice Acting
-Video Editing
- Ai generation- which might be useful for spit balling ideas and concepts. But I don't want to put ai into the final project.
-2d animation
-3d animation
-story writing - i'm not great but I did well enough to get paid for it before.

stupid video i put together with friends for animation 101