I've gotten a significant way on working on what is essentially a simplified, TF2 clone that will probably be more explained at a later time but right now I've gotten into a bit of trouble figuring out how to get buttery acceleration and deceleration since I made a different type of character controller than the ones provided in this jam but it should work fine for what I am trying to go for. The explosion blast knockback is too choppy for my liking and is pretty inconsistent. The blast jumps technically "work" but you aren't able to really replicate them or chain them which is something I definitely want for my game. I used some code from looking at what other rocket jump game's people have made in Godot and here's what my code looks like:
func _on_Area_body_entered(body):
var vector = body.global_transform.origin - global_transform.origin
var direction = vector.normalized()
var distance_squared = vector.length_squared()
var speed = 100
var velocity = direction * speed/distance_squared
var damage = 50
if body is Player:
body.velocity += velocity
body.health -= damage
So what this basically does is launch the player's collision away from the collision of the explosion radius but it's not always as strong as it should and sometimes it's too weak or it doesn't even go in the right direction. I could probably write this off as finnicky accuracies and Godot's collision quirks, but what happens is a immediately burst of speed into a direction but there's no smooth slowing down gradually that is the problem. There's this game called "Neon Utopia" that replicates rocket jumping well enough but I don't have the ability to see how it's done and the project hasn't been updated in a while. Anyone working on a game that has figured this out?