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REHAB-التعافي's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.
- oooh this really got through my heart, i love it, so simple but really so emotional, thanks a lot for such great participation, love everything about it
- I loved the game and artstyle, I loved the shaders and the 2D lights as well, the only thing that I wanted to do that broke the engagement a bit is I wanted the game to has any kind of gameplay other than normal jumping platformer, Actually if you just removed that mechanic and made it a story, puzzle solving and exploration it would have been better, perfect work for couple days, congrats PS: I LOVED the Arabic usage and font
Used Assets - الموارد المستخدمة
english font:
Arabic font:
Menu Music:
BlackBridge Music:
Level1 Music:
Level2 Music:
SFX Button Click:
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I was pleasantly surprised with the music. The pixel art was great, and the lightning was very nice. Gameplay wise, it feels a bit lacking, but for what this is trying to do, it's great. Great work you guys.
واو بجد تحفة
الارت والقصة والموسيقى مع بعض يجننو والافيكتس حاجة تانية
بالتوفيق يا صديقي
شكرا جدا علي الكومنت الجميل ده و بالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله
انك تعمله كله لوحدك حلو جدا ما شاء الله ♥ القصة جميلة جدا والمود الي اتحكى بيه مريح
شكرا جدا يا صديقي العزيز , هو اخويا سعدني جدا في الارت و اللفيل ديزين عشان كده الحمدلله قدرت اخلص اللعبة