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Drag published a tool 2 years ago
A downloadable tool.
This is a discord bot. Around the theme 'generations' The bot simulates runners running but each different runner has different DNA and strands. The main goal, being to get the highest score. COMMANDS: - help, should explain all the command...
KyleRifqi published a tool 2 years ago
A downloadable tool.
Discord Bot Invite Link:
schlimpy published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
Commands: - help: displays the help menu - cards: shows your card inventory - battle: battle an enemy - start: begin the tutorial - addpepe: adds Pepe to your inventory of cards - adddoge: adds Doge to your inventory of cards - addnyan: add...
TasosIsDev published a project 2 years ago
A browser project made in HTML5.
This a bot made for the Discord Bot Jam #2 That runned from 24th July to 31th July. With the Sub-Theme "Games" . Commands: 1. ping Shows The bots Latency. 2. start Start the game called sokoban. 3. stop Stops the game called sokoban. 4. rps...