This is an interesting project! Thoughts in no particular order:
- Would like the main hero speed to be higher. (Shift is not enough. 😩)
- Mass mouse hysteria due to… placebo was both disturbing and hilarious
- I understood the meaning of the game’s name only after chatting with a dog in the ending twice.
- Had to look into source code for the password 🙈 I guess it’s connected with the (mild spoiler ahead) the “alphabet dog” and the watchers? Was too lost to check that.
- The torus world was sooo confusing to me and I kept getting lost and coming to the “noises behind walls” shed again and again 🤦🤣
- D O U B L E D A T I N G
- Many characters left so many open questions about the world, and the ending talks about some interesting and serious topics that would be cool to be talked more about in the main map.
TL;DR: it’s good!
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