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Anyone need a composer?

A topic by Josh Lee created Apr 03, 2021 Views: 177 Replies: 2
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Hi folks, I may be going out on a limb here as I know the jam's in just under a week, but... if anyone's looking for a composer, please feel free to shoot me a message! You can hear some music I've self-released at the links below:

If you think any of that would fit the vibe of an idea you've got going, let me know. I would also be down for a bit of sound design, although that's not really my forte. I've not participated in a game jam (or game development) before, so I'm keen to give it a shot.

Deleted 3 years ago

Sounds interesting! I'll add you on Discord


Hi, Joshua! I am from Brazil and I am going to participate in this BW Jam ... 
I have a project in mind that I believe with a melancholic tone but at the same time happy would go down well ... how would this collaboration part work?